GS1 Datamatrix | VB.NETByteScout Barcode SDK

GS1 Datamatrix | VB.NET


Imports Bytescout.BarCode

Module Module1

    Sub Main()
        ' Create new barcode
        Dim barcode As New Barcode()

        ' Set symbology
        barcode.Symbology = SymbologyType.GS1_DataMatrix

        ' Set GS1 barcode value            
        barcode.Value = "(01)03453120000011(17)291030(10)ABC123"

        ' you may also set the value without brackets and the SDK will automatically add brackets where needed
    ' also some values may include "|" character as the additional separator (for example, GS1 Australian Post)
    'barcode.Value = "01034531200000111729103010ABC123" ' it will be converted into "(01)03453120000011(17)291030(10)ABC123" automatically

    ' you may also optionally check if this value is valid according to GS1 subtype rules
    'bool isValidValue = barcode.ValueIsValidGS1(barcode.Value))

        ' Save barcode to image

        ' Show image in default image viewer
    End Sub

End Module