67 standard transition effects | VBScriptByteScout Image To Video SDK

67 standard transition effects | VBScript


MsgBox "This sample script generates demo video with more than 60 standard transition effects." & vbCLRF & "Please be patient, it takes 1-2 min)"

' Create an instance of BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo ActiveX object
Set converter = CreateObject("BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo")

' Activate the component
converter.RegistrationName = "demo"
converter.RegistrationKey = "demo"

' set default in effect for slides (you can also set effects for each single slide)
converter.Slides.DefaultSlideInEffect = 0 ' default effect
converter.Slides.DefaultSlideInEffectDuration = 1000 ' 1000 msec for slide transition effect effect

converter.Slides.DefaultSlideDuration = 1000

' uncomment to use background picture
' converter.SetBackgroundPictureFileName "..\..\background.jpg"

' set auto fit images mode
converter.AutoFitImages = True

' apply transition effect to the very first slide
converter.UseInEffectForFirstSlide = True

bChangeSlide = True ' temporary variable to change slides

' now try all 66 standard transition effects from 0 (none) to 66 (67 effects total)
for i=0 to 67

' Add slide image, set the duration

if not bChangeSlide then
    Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("slide1.jpg")
    Set slide = converter.AddImageFromFileName("slide2.jpg")
End If

bChangeSlide = not bChangeSlide ' switch to use another slide next tim

slide.InEffect = i ' effect index


' Set output video size
converter.OutputWidth = 640
converter.OutputHeight = 480

' Set output video file name
converter.OutputVideoFileName = "67standardTransionEffects.wmv"

' Run the conversion

MsgBox "Done! See 67standardTransionEffects.wmv"

Set converter = Nothing

' Open the output file in default app
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run "67standardTransionEffects.wmv", 1, false
Set shell = Nothing