Replace Audio In Existing Video | VBScriptByteScout Image To Video SDK

Replace Audio In Existing Video | VBScript


' Create an instance of BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo ActiveX object
Set converter = CreateObject("BytescoutImageToVideo.ImageToVideo")

' Activate the component
converter.RegistrationName = "demo"
converter.RegistrationKey = "demo"

' converter.SetLogFile "log.txt"

' set input video file
converter.InputVideoFileName = "input.wmv"

' set input audio file
converter.ExternalAudioTrackFromFileName = "11k16bitpcm.wav"

' Set output video file name
converter.OutputVideoFileName = "ReplacedAudio.wmv"

' Run the conversion

MsgBox "ReplacedAudio.wmv is ready. Script will try to open the video in default media player"

' Open result in default media player
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
shell.Run "ReplacedAudio.wmv", 1, false
Set shell = Nothing

Set converter = Nothing