HistoryByteScout PDF SDK

History (changes log)

ByteScout PDF SDK history of changes.

- - bug fixed
+ - new feature
= - changed
! - critical
------------------------- (December 4, 2019)
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (November 1, 2019)
= Improved compatibility with partially trusted environments.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 1, 2019)
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (September 2, 2019)
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (August 6, 2019)
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (July 2, 2019)
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (May 28, 2019)
- Fixed changing of the checked state of checkboxes and radio buttons in existing PDF documents.
= Improved parsing of PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (April 29, 2019)
- Fixed editing of checked state of check boxes and radio buttons is existing PDF documents.
- Fixed rare error when merging some PDF documents.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (March 12, 2019)
= Improved `HtmlToPdfConverter` stability.
= Improved error handling.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (February 4, 2019)
= Form widgets now can have the same identifier, as it is not a standard restriction.
= "Bytescout.PDF.Converters.dll" assembly can now be used as ActiveX/COM object.
= Improved HtmlToPdfConverter stability.
= Improved font auto-size in EditBox form controls.
- Fixed merging of PDF forms containing fields with the same name.
- Other minor fixes and improvements. (October 22, 2018)   
+ Added .NET Core 2.0 compatible assemblies.
- Bytescout.PDF.Converters now strong-named and signed.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (July 18, 2018)
= Minor fixes and improvements. (April 09, 2018)
= Minor fixes and improvements. (January 22, 2018)
+ Implemented tiled watermarks.
= Improved support of encrypted documents.
= Canvas.MeasureString() now correctly handles multi-line text.
= Added more CreateImage*() helpers to ComHelpers class.
- Fixed: Canvas.DrawString() was wrapping spaces from pervious line.
- Fixed: Digital signature was skipped when saving a document to a stream. (November 8, 2017)
+ Added Compression parameter to `Image` constructor allowing to select 
  the image compression type.
= Improved support for encrypted documents.
- Converters add-on: fixed crash on repeated ConvertHtmlToPdf() call.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (August 1, 2017)
= Greatly improved watermarks.
= Improved handling of huge image files.
= Performance and memory optimizations.
= Other minor fixes and improvements. (June 1, 2017)
+ Added `Canvas.MeasureString()` method override allowing to measure the height 
  of the text fitted to specified width.
+ Added COM helpers to deal with `System.Drawing` types `PointF` and `SizeF`.
+ Added `Document.GetDocumentBytes()` method to get saved document as array of bytes.
+ It is now possible to create Image object from URL.
= Minor bug fixes and improvements. (March 07, 2017)
= Minor bug fixes and improvements. (January 11, 2017)
+ Added HTML to DOCX converter.
- Fixed rare crush on encrypted documents.
- FlattenDocument() method now use standard font if could not copy the control's font for some reason.
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (October 21, 2016)
= HtmlToPdfConverter now support URI (link) as input parameter.
- Fixed the bug eating leading spaces in Canvas.DrawString().
= Other minor improvements and bug fixes. (August 19, 2016)
+ Added Canvas.MeasureString() method allowing to measure dimensions of a text string.
= Table class: Added padding to cells to butify PDF tables.
= Other minor bug fixes and improvements. (July 07, 2016)
+ Implemented signing with digital signature.
+ Added "Bytescout.PDF.Converters" add-on (requires .NET 4.5 or later) implementing DOCX to HTML, HTML to PDF and DOCX to PDF conversion.
= Made assembly CLS compliant.
- Fixed Page.Watermarks collection visibility in ActiveX/COM. (May 26, 2016)
+ Added Document.FlattenDocument() method. Performs the flattening: replaces form widgets 
  (radio buttons, checkboxes, text boxes, etc.) with static text to prevent the form changing. 
+ Added Page() constructor with UnitOfMesaure parameter to specify the custom page size in any units
+ Added Watermark object for easy adding of "watermark" text to document pages. (March 23, 2016)
= All custom collections now implement IEnumerable interface.
= Added this[string name] indexer for AnnotationCollection for quick access to named annotations like form fields.
= Made source code examples compatbile with all Visual Studio versions.
= Other bug fixes and improvements.

1.0.0 (February 10, 2016)
+ First public version. 
  PDF SDK allows to create PDF documents with rich text, vector drawings, images, fonts with easy to use API.