IWorksheet MethodsBytescout Spreadsheet SDK

The IWorksheet type exposes the following members.


Public methodCalculate
Calculates the formulas in the Worksheet.
Public methodCell(String)
Return cell the specified by A1-style reference.
Public methodCell(Int32, Int32)
Return cell the specified i and j.
Public methodFind
Finds the specified search string on the worksheet. Specify the search options using SearchOptions property.
Public methodFind(String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
Finds the specified search string on the worksheet.
Public methodFindNext
Finds next occurrence of the search string on the worksheet. You should initialize the search with the Find() method.
Public methodGetAsBytesArrayCSV
Gets the bytes of worksheet saved as CSV document.
Public methodGetAsBytesArrayHTML
Gets the bytes of worksheet saved as HTML document.
Public methodGetAsBytesArrayTXT
Gets the bytes of worksheet saved as text document.
Public methodGetAsBytesArrayXML
Gets the bytes of worksheet saved as XML document.
Public methodProtect(String)
Protects this Worksheet with the password specified.
Public methodProtect(String, EnhancedSheetProtection)
Protects this Worksheet with specified password and options.
Public methodRange(String)
Return cell range the specified by A1-style reference.
Public methodRange(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Return cell range specified by (row1, col1) - top-left cell and (row2, col1) - bottom-right cell
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream, ConversionOptions)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream, String)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String, ConversionOptions)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file.
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String, String)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream, String, String)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String, String, String)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file.
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream, String, String, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String, String, String, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file.
Public methodSaveAsCSV(Stream, String, String, Encoding, Boolean)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file
Public methodSaveAsCSV(String, String, String, Encoding, Boolean)
Saves worksheet in a CSV format file.
Public methodSaveAsHTML(Stream)
Saves worksheet in a HTML format file
Public methodSaveAsHTML(StreamWriter)
Saves worksheet in a HTML format file. Use this overload to specify the encoding for output HTML file. Create StreamWriter instance with required encoding in constructor parameters.
Public methodSaveAsHTML(String)
Saves worksheet in a HTML format file
Public methodSaveAsPDF(Stream)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsPDF(String)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsPDF(Stream, Boolean)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsPDF(String, Boolean)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsPDF(Stream, Boolean, String)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsPDF(String, Boolean, String)
Saves worksheet to PDF file with specified name.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream)
Saves worksheet in a delimiter-separated text file
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String)
Saves worksheet in a delimiter-separated text file format
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream, ConversionOptions)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream, String)
Saves worksheet in a text format
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String, ConversionOptions)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String, String)
Saves worksheet in a delimiter-separated text file format
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream, String, String)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String, String, String)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream, String, String, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String, String, String, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(Stream, String, String, Encoding, Boolean)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsTXT(String, String, String, Encoding, Boolean)
Saves worksheet in a text format.
Public methodSaveAsXML(Stream)
Saves worksheet in a XML format file
Public methodSaveAsXML(String)
Saves worksheet in a XML format file
Public methodSaveAsXML(Stream, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a XML format file
Public methodSaveAsXML(String, Encoding)
Saves worksheet in a XML format file
Public methodUnProtect
UnProtects this Worksheet with the password.
See Also
