BarGrouping EnumerationBytescout Spreadsheet SDK
Specifies the kind of grouping for a column or bar chart.

Namespace:  Bytescout.Spreadsheet.Charts
Assembly:  Bytescout.Spreadsheet (in Bytescout.Spreadsheet.dll) Version:

public enum BarGrouping

  Member nameValueDescription
Clustered0 (Clustered) Specifies that the chart series are drawn next to each other along the category axis.
PercentStacked1 (100% Stacked) Specifies that the chart series are drawn next to each other along the value axis and scaled to total 100%.
Stacked2 (Stacked) Specifies that the chart series are drawn next to each other on the value axis.
Standard3 (Standard) Specifies that the chart series are drawn next to each other on the depth axis.
See Also
